Monday, November 3, 2008


Hello all,

Well its November third and you know what that means, no not the aniversary of the first Opium War between China and Britain, it means its less than a month until I'm back for Thanksgiving! How excited I am!

Anyways, the past few days have been rough, feelin kinda down about being over here and my morning stress is back (see a few posts ago). Been talking to the family lately as well as friends and its helping a little. Can't wait till I'm back to see my little nephew and eat Thanksgiving dinner with my sister and rest of the family. Hope everything is well.


1 comment:

Hillary said...

We CAN'T WAIT to see you, either!!!!!!! Emmett's been practicing his Bone Thug's might be awhile before he's got it down. But he SO misses his Uncle Charles, ya'll.
Love you -